Saturday, January 9, 2010

So it begins.

I've had three people tell me I should start a blog -- not that that's an overwhelming large sample of my acquaintance from which to draw. One was a family member that I don't have as much contact with as I'd like, one is a close friend that I don't see often enough, and one couldn't pick me out of a police line-up. He did use a letter of mine in his blog though, and that's when I starting to consider sipping the Kool-Aid.


  1. Testing. This is a test. If this were a real comment, there'd be something interting going on.

  2. Oh my goodness, you have entered the world of blogging! You go girl!

  3. What is "interting" anyway? I wonder if it's interesting or not.

  4. Hey, I know that last dude!

    Link incoming tomorrow...
