Wednesday, June 1, 2011


When I turned 35, my father informed me that I was officially middle-aged. I begged to differ. Since he was 72 at that point, I told him I wasn't there yet -- and he almost made it to 95. Both of my mother's parents (born in the 19th century) lived into their 90's.

But today I completed my 48th trip around the sun. There's no denying I'm middle-aged -- whatever that means. Most of my contemporaries have kids in college, not kindergarten. I'll be 60 when Sweet Daughter graduates from high school. Hopefully, I'll be able to pass on some of what I've learned to smooth her path just a little, and encourage her to find her own way, wherever that takes her.  And if nothing else, maybe I can pass along a little wisdom from the Duke.

"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learnt something from yesterday."  ~John Wayne


  1. 38 maybe, I don't believe 48. No way.

  2. Happy birthday. You've started middle-age? So that goes on for another 48 years, then?

  3. Youngster :-) Happy birfday to you!!!!

  4. It's statistically proven that people who live the longest have the most birthdays.

  5. Happy birthday blogdaughter!

  6. Alan: Next time I see you, I'm buying you a drink. That made my day.

    North: At least another 48, I hope.

    Thanks for the good wishes, everyone.

  7. Uh uh, no.

    You had 48 years of young.

    48 is the start of the middle section - 48 years of being middle aged.

    96 starts 'old' - 48 years of being old after that...

  8. Welcome to 48...glad another has joined me! Happy Birthday.

  9. Happy Birthday! I find it very hard to believe that you're 48...I've seen pictures of you!

  10. Hard to believe you're 48. Happy Birthday!

  11. UNPOSSIBLE! AS My Wife reminds me, NO Woman is older than 21! They just celebrate their Anniversary every year. Something to do with the Space-Time Continuum, she says. Anyway, Happy 21st. Anniversary!

  12. waitwaitWHAT?

    there is no way you're 48.

    (happy birthday!)

  13. Happy Birthday, Friend! You're just a child! LOL

  14. You do not look that old. Seriously. Beautiful.

    Happy B'Day Human!

  15. Thanks, Alan -- I've been trying to convince her for most of a decade she looks at least a decade younger than she is.


  16. Two days late, and two dollars short.....

    ....but Happy Birthday!!

  17. Add me to the club who doesn't believe you on your age!

    If I look as good as you at 48...well it means I paid a LOT of money for Gender Re-assignment surgery!

    Happy B-Day!

  18. 48. Is that all? Pah! Happy Birthday young'n.
