Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pittsburgh Bound

Tomorrow afternoon we're heading up to Pittsburgh. I'd like to leave earlier, but there's that whole "school" thing for Sweet Daughter. Oh well. Plans include the Gunnie Prom, and yes! My face is breaking out! And in case you're wondering, I'll be the one wearing the werewolf shoes and the kindergartener. Unless she's hanging out with Breda, that is. Sweet Daughter thinks she's the best thing since chocolate.  A gun chick that works as a librarian AND has cats -- in her world, it doesn't get any cooler than that.


  1. Shorter Half, too? Hope so - can't wait to see y'all! Ya get to meet my Mom this trip - we are so ready!

  2. Once you wear the werewolf shoes this year, you should definitely pick these up for next year -

    I don't think they make em' in my size!

  3. It was truly a pleasure to meet ALL of y'all :-)

  4. Good to see you, SD & shorter half again! Your shoes were pretty damn cool.
