Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More thoughts on OC

The irony when being an OC "ambassador" is that I don't like talking to strangers. I was talking to SH about the perfect OC ambassador being someone who doesn't look like a cop, or look military, or look like your typical high-speed, low drag, uber tactical mall ninja, and I realized I had to shut up or start OCing myself. I won't wear a branded t-shirt when I carry. And I won't wear a ball cap or even wear my hair in a pony-tail as it gives off a cop-vibe, for some reason. The only tactical black thing I wear is mascara and, if I'm working, high heels. OCing puts me way out of my comfort zone, but not because of the gun for some reason. It’s because when I OC I have to be open and friendly to strangers and that really makes this introvert feel rather awkward.


  1. Be that as it may, we're proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and actually TALKING to people :-)

  2. You know, I wonder how many of us gunnies are introverts by nature and only really come out of our shells about guns when we're surrounded by other gunnies?

  3. OOH! ME!

    No, wait. I'm not an introvert, unless you're talking in the Pratchettian sense, where I'm so extroverted I'm approaching introverted from the other side...

    Good on your for getting out of your comfort zone, Nancy.

  4. Jay G: Hmmmm. Maybe the inverse is also true ... I'm so introverted I approach extroversion from the other side.

  5. +1 for what NFO said.

    Most people don't leave their comfort zone no matter what.

  6. Comfort zone? Really?

    I'll be over in the corner, observing... (grin)

  7. Lol I absolutely get that. I am very quiet and shy and at 5"4' easy to slide on by which is how I like it. Of course if my ninja toddler is escaping I am a bit louder. Hehe. You really are doing awesome things!!
